Monday, August 30, 2010

You Are the Goose

Feed the Goose

Remember the folk tale about the man who killed the goose who laid the golden eggs? He was very poor until his goose started laying golden eggs. Then, he became the richest man in the kingdom. He was so rich that he craved only golden eggs; he wanted them so much. He finally decided that he should not have to wait each morning for the next golden egg. So, his plan was to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs and take all of the eggs out of the goose at once. What a good plan; no more waiting; no more feeding that darned goose each morning.

Well, you know what happened! After he killed the goose, there were no more golden eggs inside! He blew it! He killed the goose who laid golden eggs.

In education what are our golden eggs? For me, golden eggs would be students who are learning to the best of their ability, students who are life-long learners, students who want to learn, students who are productive citizens, students who are willing to take risks to achieve more, students who attend school, students who make positive behavior choices, and students who are kind people. So that’s what I want! I want those students; I want those golden eggs!

Who is my goose; who will lay these golden eggs for me? The teacher is; the teacher assistant is; the custodian is; the food service worker is; the office worker is. You are; you are the goose who lays the golden eggs. How stupid it would be of me to “kill” you to get all of those eggs, all of those students. What I promise to do is feed you! I promise to support you; I will feed the goose. To that end, if I can help with a suggestion or answer to a question, leave a comment on this blog.
By the way, who are the geese for you? Here’s a hint; your geese are the k __ d __.

Strategies for feeding the geese will be coming this week. Watch for further updates.

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