Monday, August 6, 2012

Here They Come in Buses, Cars, Planes, and Trains

Well, not really planes and trains, but in cars and buses for sure.  We are expecting about 770 children from 7 to 11 years old.  To be successful with a community of that size, we have to have a logistic plan as good as General Patton's.  (If you are not old enough to know about Gen. Patton, look him up in Wikipedia :-)

So, we have our school plan ready.  Every student meets his/her teacher in the gym at 7:50.   Check off each student on the class list.  Look for any stragglers and get them to the correct classroom.  Our goal is to have every one of the 770 students in the correct classroom by 8:20, and we will meet the goal. 

Getting the students home is the bigger task.  The bus routes are similar to a tangled ball of yarn.   The saving grace is our two-way radios.  We can talk to every bus driver and with cell phones, we can connect with every parent.  We are able, year after year, to safely transport each child to his/her after school destination.  Yes, we have the logistic plan that rivals General Patton because children are the most precious resource in our lives.

Happy first day of school to every one!

Dr. Robert, Educational Pirate

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